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Planning for a new Bridgewater Bridge started more than 20 years ago, with many designs and plans developed over that time showing different options and locations for the new bridge.

Following an extensive community consultation process, and an Early Contractor Involvement (ECI) procurement, construction contractor McConnell Dowell presented their chosen design to the community in late 2021.

The new Bridgewater Bridge will be a four-lane bridge built downstream of the existing bridge, with new interchanges at Granton and Bridgewater and a safe shared path for cyclists and pedestrians on the upstream side of the bridge.

On the southern side of the river at Granton, traffic will be able to flow freely from the Brooker Highway onto the Lyell Highway towards New Norfolk.

A new roundabout will connect to the black Snake Road underpass and a dedicated slip lane will allow traffic from the Lyell Highway to flow uninterrupted onto the Brooker Highway.

On the northern side of the river at Bridgewater, a ramp will connect Boyer Road onto the new bridge for traffic travelling south, removing the need for traffic to travel back to the East Derwent Highway roundabout before travelling south.

View the designs here